The Investment of a Lifetime.It is wonderful to be able to present an article which has recently been published by Black County Chamber of Commerce and Power Utilities
Read More...What is Six4Schools? Six4Schools is an exciting initiative launched by the Birmingham Bears cricket team. It offers a fantastic opportunity for our school to raise funds while providing an enjoyable day out for families at an affordable price.
Read More...What is the Childnet Youth Advisory Board? "The Childnet Youth Advisory Board is made up of young people aged 13-16 from across the UK. This group has the exciting opportunity to help shape and directly influence Childnet’s resources, messaging, and future campaigns.The young people who are part of the Advisory Board are passionate about making the internet a safer and more positive environment for everyone, they champion and celebrate the opportunities being online has to offer, whilst also creating change that can make a real difference to young people’s lives online."
Read More..."The Young Mathematical Story Authors (YMSA) competition is the world's first annual international competition set up to encourage young mathematics learners (8-15 years old) from around the world to embed their mathematics learning in a meaningful and engaging context through creating their own mathematical story picture books."
Read More...Living Streets are a UK charity whose mission is for walking to be the best option for everyday local journeys. They want walking to be for everyone, by educating us on why walking is so good for you, and by making streets more accessible for us. You can read about their 2020-25 strategy here.
Read More...Walsall Football Club are yet again offering a great deal on tickets for families. Their next upcoming game is the Football League 2 Match visit to the Walsall v Doncaster Rovers fixture on Saturday 2nd March 2024, 3pm kick off.
Read More...Black Country Youth Voices Survey - Barnardo'sChildren's charity Barnardo's are working with NHS Black Country Integrated Care board to find out how engaged Children and Young People are in their healthcare.
Read More...What is Wysa? Wysa is a new AI app that can give children and young people 24/7 access to free mental health support. The app has been commissioned by the Black Country Health NHS Foundation Trust to give your child a chance to express their feelings in a safe space. It has been reported that "78% of children would rather speak to an AI than a teacher."